The Value of ERP Software

ERP projects can require a significant investment in terms of software costs, implementation costs and your employee's time. Undertaking an ERP project can be exciting and full of promise.

The prospect of moving onto a modern platform that is fully integrated and can spare employees from tedious and repetitive tasks. It can make them more efficient, leading to getting more done and high morale.

Business process and the software can be aligned and in harmony, perhaps for the first time in that company's history.

The undertaking of an ERP project often brings into fruition open discussion regarding processes, problems, and solutions, old and new. It can expose weaknesses, flaws and open the door to handling them, increasing efficiency, security and outcomes. This open discussion increases communication between the team, and perhaps it may be the first time they really communicated!

The value of the software is based on how well it supports the business, the employees and facilitates the delivery of products and services. Configured properly, with the staff well-trained, with appropriate processes, it provides a foundation on which the company can expand.

The software in itself will not cause an organization that is disorganized to suddenly become organized. It will not turn an undisciplined team into a disciplined one. It is not a magical cure-all. Years ago, I recall walking into an IT director's office and there was a literal mound of paper on her desk. One could stand on that mound and throw pitches at elevation if one wanted to. The software did nothing to relieve that mound.

There is no replacement for competent, organized and well-trained staff. However, the software can enforce rules, prevent errors, support the business processes and increase speed of delivery of products and services.

As human memory is fallible, it can serve as a backup to one's memory through notes, reminders and tasks.

It can provide data to employee's efficiently, quickly so actions can be taken swiftly and customer demands can be satisfied.

It can assist purchasers and manufacturers with planning, ensuring product is obtained in time to meet customer demands.

It can provide timely reports to management and executives, who can review the data and make sound decisions based on that data.

It is a vital tool, used pragmatically, that can greatly enhance the operations, finance and reporting of any organization.

This is the value of ERP Software.

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